UPCYCLE : use this code (or kody) to get Upcycled Shoes.QUALITY : use this code (or kody) to get Upcycled Shorts.CONSUMELESS : use this code (or kody) to get Upcycled Hat and Glasses.1WEEKFREE: use this code (or kody) to get 7 days of Star Rider.FEBRUARY22: use this code (or kody) to get Rose Bouquet and Horse Plush Saddlebag Pet.STARRIDER2022 : use this code (or kody) to get 4 days Star Rider (Only for New Players).DEERMASK4U: use this code (or kody) to get Deer Mask & Reindeer Mask.SANTAHAT4U: use this code (or kody) to get Santa Hat.INSPIRATION2018: use this code (or kody) to get the T-Shirt.HALLOW2021 : use this code (or kody) to get Jack O’ Lantern t-shirt.STARSTABLEVEST: use this code (or kody) to get the Vest.FRIENDSHIPDAY: use this code (or kody) to get a T-shirt.
#Star stable codes august 2021 update
We will update this list with every new code as soon as it becomes active Expired SSO codesĪnd here we will list every expired code: READTHEBOOK: use this code (or kody) to get the Starshine Plush Saddlebag Pet (this code replaces STARSHINEPLUS).STARSHINEPLUSH: use this code (or kody) to get the Starshine Plush Saddlebag Pet (this code replaces READTHEBOOK).HORSESNACK: use this code (or kody) to get an Apple and one Carrot treat for your horse.THUMBSUP: use this code (or kody) to get a T-shirt.STARSTABLEHONEY: use this code (or kody) to get 4 days Star Rider (Only for New Players).7DAYSBIRTHDAYFUN: use this code (or kody) for 7 days Star Rider.SILVERJACKET: use this code (or kody) to get Silver Vest.BRONZEJACKET: use this code (or kody) to get Bronze Vest.FEELINSPLENDID: use this code (or kody) to get Imperial Splendor’s set.FREEPLAYER11: use this code (or kody) to get 11 days Star Rider.