The stylist perfect layers wig
The stylist perfect layers wig

the stylist perfect layers wig

No layers or layers I always difficult time to style and maintain my hair. Loopy I agree on some of it because when you put ur hair up in braids the hair sticks out and they can be a right pain, I still like long shaping around the face, i like it Suttle and flowy.


I have to put my hair in a bun for work and now its full of bobby pins to combat the pieces sticking out My hairdresser started cutting subtle layers without evening asking me. I went back, and another stylist tried to fix it, but she basically told me what I already knew, that it would just have to grow out. This was a case of blatant stylist arrogance, thinking she knew better than me. Heck, this stylist and I had the discussion of how I didn't want layers because I wanted a no maintenance hairstyle.

the stylist perfect layers wig

My hair is super fine and limp and at my age I knew what layers do to my hair. I had excess amounts of hair, and now I'm having to grow out my hair and it is all choppy. She could see I was getting upset, so she stopped and basically left me with the back (that initial cut I called her out on) and one side LAYERED, and the left side of my head with no layers to speak of. Uhm, I didn't want that, and she did a heck of a lot more than even just cutting the points off. She was almost done cutting and pulled up a section at an above my head angle and I asked "what are you doing", knowing if she cut it I'd have layers.she cut it anyway, and then continued to argue with me about how it'd be "fine" and she said she was "just cutting the points off". I'm a stylist myself, so I thought I'd covered all the bases. I verbalized exactly what I wanted, and showed her multiple pictures. Beth I told my stylist I didn't want layers, I wanted a one length bob at shoulder level.

The stylist perfect layers wig