"You are a nerd" Blue Apple Jack with apples on his tush. It's in references to Dustin explaining MLP and being a nerd to Erica, Lucas's little sister. Overall, has moments but mediocre.Stranger Things My Little Pony Upside Down Blue APPLEJACK Target Exclusive MLPThis awesome, limited edition, Target exclusive Stranger Things UPSIDEDOWN My Little Pony is no longer sold in stores. She doesn't come over as particularly bright here and is rather stubborn. Mostly both are bland and while Applejack has been characterised worse to me actually she has been much cleverer before and since and more likeable. The character writing and interaction disappoints as well, there are moments with the best material going to Rainbow Dash by far, but every single character here has been written far better than here in this season, before and since. If you watch a 'My Little Pony Friendship is Magic' to be entertained and moved, you are likely to be disappointed on both counts as the episode emotionally is empty. Sadly, a vast majority of it is not interesting at all, is very bland and sometimes irrelevant. The story is paper thin and at its worst non-existent, with far too much derivative over-stretched padding. Very obvious and in your face, good on paper but poorly executed. To me, the message is not well delivered. There was a lot of talk here, most of it had nothing to it and didn't sound natural at all. Some of it was bizarre as well, Applejack's way of feeding the pigs was beyond embarrassing. The writing had moments, but mostly was very awkward (some of the most awkward of the whole season and Season 6 had its fair share of questionable writing) and phoned in.

The writing and story are what bring it down significantly, to the extent that they ruin the episode.

Too much works against "Applejack's Day Off" sadly. Rarity and Applejack have some nice dialogue together and the Spoiled Rich cameo was nice. Despite it being an episode with Applejack as the lead, the best character here is Rainbow Dash who is very humorous here and is written far more tastefully than she was in "Newbie Dash". The voice acting is fine, that is an asset that has never been a problem in 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'. The music is characterful and has atmosphere. The animation is bright, colourful and beautifully detailed as always. Not a dreadful episode but not a good one and one of the season's worst, not a good position to be in as Season 6 was one of the show's weaker seasons. "Applejack's Day Off" is close to nothing in this regard. That episode left a bad taste in my mouth, but at least it had moments that made me feel something positive. After two great previous episodes in "A Hearth's Warming Tail" and "The Saddle Row Review", it is sad that Season 6 returned to disappointment in an episode that is every bit as mediocre as "Newbie Dash" and perhaps even more so. "Applejack's Day Off" is one of the mediocre at best ones. Her episodes, or the ones that she is the lead in, are variable in quality too, some great, some good, some mediocre at best and some somewhere in between those extremes. Her character writing is inconsistent, she is often great but she is less so when she either has little to do or has her flaws (stubborness and aggression being the big ones) over-emphasised. Just to say right now before anybody judges, Applejack is not a bad character at all to me.